Monday, January 31, 2011

Large Figure

Large Figure, 2011
Pastel on paper
26" x 40"

Originally drawn as a standing figure, at the last moment, I felt that she was just asking to lay down and rest, and so I obliged.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Large Figure

LargeFigure, 2011
Pastel on paper
31" x 23"

I've developed an addiction to reconstructing the figure. With it, I see limitless possibilities.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back to Basics

Seated Woman
Pastel on paper
24" x 36"

With my responsibilities as a father and as the head of an art center, it's been challenging to find the time to get back to my own work. When I do, I've always found it refreshing to go back to what I love and that's my foundation as a draftsman. This figure comes from looking at deKooning's seated women (which admittedly would be a stretch for anyone to see).